For my homework i will be producing a media textbok chapter of issues that producers face when programming their production.
Accuracy - Accuracy is based on the facts of the data that is produced to the issue. The data is determined if it is right or not. If data that is not accuratly correct this will have a huge impact negativly on the production programe.
Balance - Balance is based on how unbiased a production can be. For example the BBC is a unbiased Broadcasting station because it is public channel so the programs would have a two sided answer to any particular issue, unlike other Broadcasting channels like Channel 4 and ITV, they would mainly be very biased because they would want a particular answer without looking at the other sides view on the issue. So balance is a very important key iu production.
Impartiality - Impartiality, again like balance it determines it self by the weight of how unbiased the views are from both side of the issue.
Objectivity - Objectivity is to generally reduce as much as possible the amount of biases, prejudices or subjective evaluation. Like balance it is determined by the amount of biased views that are answered on the particular issue.
Subjectivity - Subjectivity is based on the judgement of the individual impressions and feelings and opinions rather than external facts like prejudism.
Bias - Bias is determined through the way the programe is produced, for example a documentary can be on a particular issue but intstead of looking at both sides of issue the programe only looks at one side merely because of personal or politcal reasons.
Representation - representaion is how someone or something is shown to stand for someone or sonmething inparticular.
Access - A means of approaching, entering, exiting or communicating.
Privacy - The state or condition of being free from being observed ,disturbed and free from public attention.
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